Posted by: Adgalle | April 3, 2010

Utter Devotion

Today’s Scripture: Exodus 13-15

Often in the Scriptures, the relationship between God and man is likened to a marriage relationship; in the New Testament, Christ is referred to as the bridegroom and the Church is the bride.  Here in Exodus, we see the mutual relationship between God and the Israelites as in a marriage.

First, God asks the Israelites to consecrate to Him the firstborn male of all humans and animals.  This in many ways is a reconciliation of the tenth plague on the Egyptians, and demonstrates both God’s authority over His people and His desire for them.  he further demonstrates His love and desire for them by standing on their side — guiding them in pillars of cloud and fire (13:21), and fighting against the Egyptians in their pursuit.  Multiple times in chapter 14, we see the phrase “He will fight for us” or ones similar to it.  Verses 13 and 14 are beautiful: “… Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. …  The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” 

More than anything, God desires our trust and devotion to Him.  God accomplished this elaborate overcoming of the Egyptians — not just with the plagues, but then with the drowning of Pharaoh’s army in the sea, and all so that the Israelites would see what He had done for them and would trust Him.  He wanted them to honor Him and teach their children about Him.  Though He was already their “patron god,” He wanted more from them.  He wanted them, fully and completely.  This is still His desire over each of us. 

I don’t think that just because we want something, we will get it.  I don’t believe in the prosperity doctrine that many follow, which says that if only we are obedient to God then we will become rich because wealth is our desire.  What I do believe, however, is that God works everything out for our good.  I believe He is a God of compassion and love, and He wants to lavish us and call us His own.  Sometime we want things that will not benefit us in the long run, though we don’t realize it, and sometimes the answer to prayer is “No.”  We continue to pray, though, to seek Him out, because by asking we demonstrate our trust in Him — that He can make a decision far wiser than we can.  We demonstrate our understanding of His sovereignty and His holiness, but also His unimaginable love for us.  We demonstrate our own devotion in return.

Meditate on this, knowing He is who He says He is:

“In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed.  In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling” (15:13).

Praise God!

Tomorrow’s Scripture:  Exodus 16-18

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