Posted by: Adgalle | April 26, 2010

Tabernacle Dedication

Today’s Scripture: Numbers 7

Who knew the tabernacle got its own housewarming party?  The entirety of this passage is taken up by each of the twelve tribes of Israel providing some necessary supplies for the operation of the tabernacle as offerings.  The anointing here in indicative of dedication; dedicating the tabernacle and its furnishing for the use of the Lord.  As the tribes of Israel give their offerings, so, too, are these things meant for the use of the Lord.

It must be stated that the animals given by the tribes of Israel for the offerings were not sacrificed all that day.  The incredible number of animals and the language used here indicates that the animals are to be as part of the “sanctuary livestock,” to be used when the need for them should arise. 

God asks us to give back to Him what He has given to us.  He has given to us abundantly, and out of our abundance we are to dedicate our possessions to His use, as the need arises.  Sometimes He impresses upon our hearts to support missionaries in need of financial assistance.  Other times there are more tangible uses for our possessions and resources — like giving food to hungry neighbors or giving away gently used clothes or toys to families in need.  There is much we can do to benefit our communities and honor our God.  May we pray for these opportunities to become more clear to us.

Tomorrow’s Scripture: Numbers 8-10

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